I’m managing a group that has this issue as well. This bug has something to do with users not being added to the group members list even if the user is a member of that group based on their profile. This bug happens inconsistently. The current way to fix this is to make the member rejoin the group.
This has been a bug with my group ever since I made it (~3 years ago), but I thought it would resolve itself once a few people other than me joined it. It did not so I am reporting it now.
One of my groups (link), has never counted me in it’s member count. When I was the only user in the group, it showed that the number of members in the group was zero, but also showed that I had the owner rank. Even now, there are four people in the group, yet the member count shows as 3.
Owner rank with dropdown list of all roles showing:
Looks like this is the case even though I had joined it. That’s super strange, have you considered swapping ownership with an alt account of yours and see if it updates?
When I had initially left the group, the group remained on my groups page and it still showed that I was in the group, but the member count decreased, which should have signified that I left the group. When I opted to leave again, it removed me from the list, but the member count decreased again.
EDIT: I joined again to see if this occurred, but it made me leave normally after the first time.
Yeah, when I had joined, it ignored you, and when I left, it showed that I was still a member, rank and all, even though the member count dropped by 1! And it dropped again after I tried to leave again, except this time it removed me from the list!
When I first made my group, I wasn’t excluded from the member count. But as my group grew with new members, I then noticed I was excluded from the member count.