Hello can someone help me? because it is like this very often And I was annoyed when I saw this.
i believe this is a bug with your graphics card. in my experience, it only happens on your end because of old hardware. other players won’t be able to see it unless they have a low end device. i got a new computer a while ago and it doesn’t do this anymore.
But on the phone it’s the same.
do you have a link to the game?? i could try testing it for you.
Oh i need to upgrade a graphic card?
How old is your computer and graphics card?
Is the image you posted from Studio Test mode, or when you play the game?
What are your graphics settings in Studio, and what are they when you play the game?
Your studio quality might be too low. Click on settings and rendering, there are 21 different quality levels. If it’s below 15 it may be because of that.
I have tried adjusting as you said. It doesn’t work as it used to.