Someone help with for loop

Hello, I’m having a bit of trouble with a thing I’m working on. My issue is, I need to clone a Frame(which I did by using a for loop (the frame has to be cloned the same amount of items there are in the ModuleScript)) and that Frame has a TextLabel that has to have different texts based on the info from a ModuleScript (name of the item)<— I tried doing that with a for loops as well/ and I can’t get this to work please help if you can
Thank you! :smiley:
This is the code that controls that/

for number = 1, TotalItems do
	local new = script.Cell:Clone()
	for i, v in pairs(Data)do
		new.Rarity.Value = v.Rarity = v.Name
	new.Parent = script.Parent.Main.Back
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Are you sure that name is supposed to be lowercase?

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Yea, I made a Value thats named ‘name’, and inside of the textlabel there is a localscript that controls the text to be the name.Value

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I also thought that, but it’s not it clones the ‘cell’ and then makes the name.value only one Value instead of being different values in different cells

Hmm I’m not sure what you’re using since you didn’t show us what “Data” is but
These 2 lines intrigue me
new.Rarity.Value = v.Rarity = v.Name
What is “Rarity” and “Name”? Are they values? If so shouldn’t you be using:
new.Rarity.Value = v.Rarity.Value = v.Name.Value

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So this is the data

local Items= {
		Name = "Sword";
		Coin = 2.5;
		Shard = 0;
		Year = 2020;
		Rarity = "Common";
		Chance = 25
		Name = "Ninja Star";
		Coin = 3.5;
		Shard = 0;
		Year = 2020;
		Rarity = "Common";
		Chance = 25
		Name = "Blaster";
		Coin = 5;
		Shard = 0;
		Year = 2020;
		Rarity = "Common";
		Chance = 25
		Name = "Bell";
		Coin = 6.3;
		Shard = 0;
		Year = 2020;
		Rarity = "Uncommon";
		Chance = 24
		Name = "Pet";
		Coin = 7;
		Shard = 0;
		Year = 2020;
		Rarity = "Rare";
		Chance = 1
return Items

and v.Name gets the Item name and it should set the Value of each in one of the cloned ‘cells’ to each on of the item names (sorry I’m not so good at explaining)

Other properties don’t matter in this case, I just need that for other parts of the game

by reading the code now I understand,you’re not getting any index on the dictionary since all of the dictionary index values are unnamed
Also you’re not searching for the indexes inside the dictionary just running a loop though it

for number = 1, TotalItems do
	local new = script.Cell:Clone()
	for i, v in pairs(Data)do
		new.Rarity.Value = v[i].Rarity = v[i].Name
	new.Parent = script.Parent.Main.Back

Just saying but according to your code you will be overwriting the values lots of times.

Edit:accidental uppercase “i” and corrected myself over something

So because in my dictionary the values are unnamed this doesn’t work?
Also that code is all I have to do to fix it, sorry I just want to learn more about this

Is TotalItems a table?
(30 characters)

There’s nothing to be sorry!
Programming is a learning process and everyone does a mistake here and there :slight_smile:
Also oh I just noticed what you’re trying to acheive(trying to display all the items),and this code should work properly

for number = 1, TotalItems do
	local new = script.Cell:Clone()
	for i, v in pairs(#Data)do
		new.Rarity.Value = Data[i].Rarity = Data[i].Name
	new.Parent = script.Parent.Main.Back

Also correcting myself overwriting won’t happen,sorry just noticed now that you were cloning the frames!

Edit: mistype “data” for 'v"

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I’m so sorry again, I tried using the code you provided me with, but now instead of it cloning and not assigning the values it, assigns a single value (The pet for the name, and Rare for rarity) to all of the cells. You don’t have to but if you could help me with this it would be great.

My fault, sorry, I forgot to remove the other loop when I modified the new one

	for i, v in pairs(#Data)do
               local new = script.Cell:Clone()
		new.Rarity.Value = Data[i].Rarity = Data[i].Name
new.Parent = script.Parent.Main.Back

If you still got any problem don’t be shy to ask,I’ll always answer.

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You just saved my life AGAIN! :open_mouth::grin:

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