Someone said my game was really bad

I’m not one to take offense to this comment because I get it a lot. But i have though about what this unnamed person said and I cant stop thinking about it. It was one of my Pathfinding test places that I left public and his exact quotes were, “Your game is trash, I dont know why you though it was a good idea to make this game. This is by far the worst roblox game I have ever played.” those words have stuck with me. It kind of hurt not going to hide it. I dont know if this is the right place to post this but I dont know any other thread that talks about games. Sorry if this was not in the right place. But i just cant stop thinking about what this person said. Every time I open studio to work on any project i just get reminded and it’s annoying me. Any advice?


You shouldn’t listen to those with nothing constructive to say. Usually those who are loudest, have the least important things to say. Don’t let it bother you.

Instead, prove this unnamed entity wrong. Prove to them your game is worth it. Use this as fuel for the fire and strive towards bigger and greater things. Make this guy regret his words.

Additionally - accept this probably won’t be the last time some nobody tries to bash you for trying to strive towards your goals and accomplish your dreams. It’s always easier to bash somebody for chasing their dreams as opposed to chasing their own.

Good luck :slight_smile:


Thanks, what you said means a lot. Glad there are others who care.


There are people like that judt don’t bother them. This one time I posted a post on the devforum “scripter and ui artist for hire” this dude came to me and said “YoU sTolE ThOsE Uis.” I also said look in my inventory for the codes I made and that same dude said “YoU tOOk ThOse CoDes from another place.” . There are people like that just don’t bother them they are just jealous that they can’t make stuff like that.


Sorry that happened to you. I have had some stuff like that happen with some of my code as well. Thanks it really means a lot .


I think you need to take a step back and realize that these are just words of one person and does not define who you are as a programmer. You’re improving and learning, and that’s what really matters. Don’t focus on things that don’t contribute to your success journey, because they’re just there to stop you from reaching your destination. :slightly_smiling_face:


Often, people spread negativity just to make themselves feel better. Seeing your game, they may possibly feel intimidated by your progress and proceed to put down your efforts so that they can pretend that they’re above you. Since they felt the need to go out of their way to belittle your place that you only used for testing, it’s clear that they feel like you have them beaten, and it’s also clear that they’re taking your success personally.

If you respond to them with insults of your own, that only fuels their egos because now they know they’ve gotten under your skin. That’s all they’re striving for, after all — the more frustrated you become, the less likely you are to achieve your goals.

It’s when they find out that their commentary means nothing to you that you start winning. The last thing these types of people want to see is you succeeding, so you do exactly that!


I didn’t respond at all, I just said, “Ok I’m sorry you feel that way, Is there anything I can do to fix the problem”. And of course with that he said just delete te game. Thank you for this advice. I never though about it in this way before. this is advice I can use in many aspects of my life.

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Especially sense I’m on 3 weeks into lua and made a full functioning Pathfinding module. I just dont understand why people would Hate, The title is “Testing Place”. I just dont get it.

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Hi @samjay22, I see your pain in having people criticizing your work. However, when you think about it, they’re probably not even a dev. They don’t know how long it took you to plan, design, and finish your work. Lastly, they’re just trying to get you to feel bad. Take this as a constructive criticism instead of a target towards you, that way you can improve in the future.

If someone is harassing you in your roblox messages, feel free to report them to roblox, or you could turn messages off for followers/everyone.

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You know , this happened once with me on my other account in 2015, all you’ve got to do is not care about what the person said. You’re a very nice developer and you shouldn’t be annoyed with the fact that this guy said something bad of your game, I believe you have a lot of potential and don’t stop making games or planning on projects

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I have had similar comments on roblox games I made when I had literally just started. People who make comments like this are negative people who spread negativity to make themselves feel better. A guy who commented on my first game ever which i had spent weeks on (studio was difficult) had trashed it. Though I visited his game and it was free models. You should take criticism from honest friends instead of someones anonymous comment. Perhaps you have done something to wrong this person or hurt their feelings and thats why they’re trying to hurt you.Try to ignore it

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