Something for someone I lost. (My bird)

Hi everyone!

I never really spoke about my problems in Creations but… here we go. My bird died on February 2nd, 2021. It was an incredibly sad time as she was my best friend. So, I have made a place for her. I really wanted to show some dedication for her.

I have created this cute little place called Skye Place. Where you can relax a bit and can reflect on anything. It’s not meant to be a fun game. It’s actually meant to be a sad game. Something you can reflect on.

Skye’s Place - The Game
This is the game if you’d like to try it out.

What’s your feedback?

Thanks, Aki


They look amazing! God bless them & you! :slight_smile:

Very nice build!, some more rain may add to the tone more… Very sorry you lost your quaker parrot, They are such a special species.

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They are, indeed. Thanks for the feedback though! I’ll try to make it more toned and give it a more vibrant vibe, if you know what I mean.

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