Something isnt right with my table script

– Game Stuff –
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)

– Events –
local AdminEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Event:FindFirstChild(“AdminEvent”)
local CheckIfAdmin = ReplicatedStorage.Event:FindFirstChild(“CheckIfAdmin”)

– Admin IDS List –

local adminList = {“811710049”}

– Functions –

CheckIfAdmin.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
for i,v in pairs(adminList) do
if v == player.UserId then
return “IsRealAdmin”

So Basically im making a admin panel and I want to make sure no hackers can do anything with it if they’re ids isnt in the admin table but when i test it out it doesnt return because something is wrong and idk what.

You used a string for the admin list when it should’ve been a number.

so i can’t make a list with numbers?

No, look closely at the value you put in the table. It is a STRING, and not a NUMBER. The number is surrounded with quotes which turns it into a string.

ohhhhhhhh sorry dude I just started scripting thanks for your help tho

Try a table like this:
