Something odd i found (atleast to me)

before i say anything, i don’t do much scripting so i have no idea if this is common
so, last night i was searching free models to see how the viruses in some work, and then i imported a dababy car with a-chassis, this time i didn’t look into it because i went into explorer and it didn’t have the normal “bloxxed by” name or a ton of random symbols, so i deleted it and without even running the game once with the model imported, it played a fart sound effect, not funny
so now i’m wondering if this is a normal part of scripting?
thanks for taking your time to read, and now i will end this topic

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If studio isnt running the models scripts shouldnt be running, check for malitous plugins

Check for any sound objects in your entire game. If one of them plays the effect then delete that.

If an audio has PlayOnRemove enabled, it will start playing when deleted, even in studio.

The thing you deleted must have contained one of these.


oh, i didnt know that existed lol

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