Something small I made

You could say this is a small showcase… but for some background, I learned some new things! I’ll list them below for reference.

  • Reflect metals
  • Introduce myself to future lighting
  • Kind of learn new building skills!

I love the outcome of this small build, and I want your opinions on it! Feel free to tell me what you like about it or what you think I need to improve on! This is my first time using future lighting, so maybe you can help me on that! :star:

The small text on the walls is just an inside joke.


Ok! This looks like a nice build if I say so myself!

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I think the plants fit in, maybe fix the lighting so the shadows are more apparent. It looks really cool.

While this does look pretty impressive, I would work on the lighting a bit. The lighting makes everything look pretty bland and colorless. Other than that, keep up the great work!