Song won't play

Hello! I am trying to play this song in my game but when I try enter the Id it says failed to load sound. I’m assuming its because the song is copyrighted but it plays perfectly fine on the website?

Can you send the script otherwise it is very hard to understand the problem. Also, if there are any errors in the output, please mention them

There is not a script. I have a sound in the workspace with the id and playing is checked but it is not playing. The output says unable to load sound.

I just tested it and got the same error. Most likely the cause is explained here:

Ohhhh ok, so go to the sound in workspace, enter properties and click preview, does the sound play when you tap that?

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Apparently that’s happening a lot now.

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Apparently, there is nothing to fix on our end, so I suggest you find another audio file.

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Roblox did a huge audio ban wave I think since when I search a song like Tame Impala nothing comes up… :frowning_face: and most audio groups have stopped uploading due to this…