Soro’s Restaurant Franchise | Staff Policy Change: Grammar Use


Happy Easter Soro’s,

The Vice President and Corporate Office made a unanimous decision after an extensive meeting earlier today to repeal the grammar policy for our low rank staff (Trainee to Head Chef) at all Soro’s games. Grammar is preferred, but is optional. Shift Leader and Supervisor+ are still required to utilize grammar as per usual. Grammar will remain mandatory during the hiring process of the Shift Leader position—may that be recommendation testing, interview, or application. An additional criteria has been added when recommending a Shift Leader, on top of hard work and activity, would be grammar.

At interview sessions and in applications, the Executive Team will be evaluating based on the content of the responses to the questions, rather than grammar. Content as in what you answer for each question.

Thank you for all our staff adapting to the changes we make every single day. Our goal is to always give the best service we possibly can. We really push for staff to use grammar, but will not be enforced.

This policy change is effective immediately. Administrative actions given before date 12 time in est 1800 APR2020 will not be reverted.

For inquiries, contact an Executive Team member (Supervisor and higher) through Roblox, or through other means like our communication server.


iandrich, VP | Crznkos, CEO | disqrace, CEO | kzlci, CEO