Soro's Restaurant Franchise: Community Guidelines (2023)

To ensure everyone within the Soro’s community can enjoy our games, we have made a list of community guidelines, which we expect our community to follow. You automatically agree to these rules upon joining any Soro’s group or game.

1 - Basic Community Guidelines
We have basic expectations about disturbances, spam, advertising, online dating, impersonation and abusing Soro’s features.

1a. Trolling/Disturbances is when a player purposefully disrupts the gameplay or experience of another player. Some examples of trolling that we do not permit are:

  • Dancing on a customer’s table
  • Ordering items that are not on the menu
  • Bypassing chat filters (against Roblox Community Standards)

1b. Spamming is when a player repeatedly floods the chat with the same message. We do not permit spamming.

1c. Advertising another game, group or personal assets within Soro’s games is not permitted. You will be removed from the game / ranked down so you are unable to post on the group wall if you do so.

1d. Impersonation of a staff member is not permitted as it can be misleading to other players. Executive and Moderation Team members have a green or blue Soro’s logo in their nametags. If someone claims to be an administrator but does not have an icon in their nametag, they are impersonating.

1e. Online dating is against the Roblox TOS and therefore we do not allow it in game. You will be subject to removal from the game by our Moderation Team if caught doing so.

1f. Abuse of the music system by playing songs that may hurt other users’ ears or cause annoyance to other users is not permitted, and inappropriate audios will be banned. Repeatedly requesting inappropriate music will result in action being taken on you.

2 - Exploiting and Soro’s Restaurant Franchise Assets
We have expectations that users will not exploit vulnerabilities in our games and will not commit intellectual property theft. If found to be doing so, the user’s account will be reported to Roblox and potentially terminated.

2a. Exploiting vulnerabilities within our games to gain an unfair advantage over other players is not permitted. Examples of exploiting vulnerabilities within our games are:

  • Modification of walk speed
  • Noclipping
  • Unauthorised execution of client-side code / firing of remotes
  • Disturbing exploits such as flinging, flying jetskis, etc.

2b. Intellectual Property Theft of any assets owned by Soro’s is not permitted. Soro’s will actively work to remove any stolen assets, including code, models and images, from Roblox under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

2c. Unauthorised access to Soro’s websites used by our staff to store data such as bans/suspensions is not allowed. Soro’s can involve law enforcement to resolve issues regarding this. This includes the use of links to steal passwords or get into accounts without permission.

3 - Staff Guidelines
We expect staff members to follow all the rules above, and the rest of the rules below. Failure to do so may result in suspensions, demotions or in-game bans.

3a. We do not permit worker point farming in our games. If you are found to have your worker mode turned on when you are not working, you will be suspended from your rank. We have systems in-game to turn your worker mode off when you are AFK; bypassing these systems using autoclickers will result in a demotion.

3b. You are not required to use grammar unless you are a part of our Executive Team. However, you should remain professional and type understandable messages in-game.

3c. If you violate any of our Community Guidelines, you will be subject to a suspension or demotion from your staff role, alongside whatever action is taken on you for breaking the rules.

Finding loopholes to break any of the rules above is prohibited and all action taken is at the discretion of the Moderation Team. If you believe you have been wrongly punished, you can raise this concern with our Discord Support Team.

We expect everyone to follow the basic Roblox Community Standards at all times when in our games, and can take action on users for breaking any of these guidelines too.

Thank you for your cooperation.

~ Soro’s Team