Sort By for Friends List

As of right now, the Friends list is listed from latest to earliest added.

Whereas before the friends list was listed alphabetically, this is no longer the case. This change makes it incredibly inconvenient to find who I’m friends with. Say I only vaguely know someone’s username; I’d have to navigate through many pages just to know who I was friends list. If the list was in alphabetical order I could quickly flip through the list, but right now I’m forced to randomly scroll unless I know when I added the friend.

This isn’t to say this feature is useless; It could be useful if I only knew that the friend was someone I added early on or just recently. So, I advocate for both alphabetical and for date in which the friend was added. How could these exist side-by-side?

I propose to add a drop-down or something of the sort somewhere on the Friends list that will allow you to pick whether you want to search alphabetically or by date added. Aside from alphabetical and date added, though, there are a few more Sort By options that would be helpful if added:

  • Sorted by when they were last active- see which friends are inactive
  • Sorted by reverse alphabetical or reverse date added

In conclusion or as a tl;dr:

A drop-down with different options as to how you wish to sort your Friends List would help in UX and making the process of looking for friends more efficient.

Thank you.


Hi! This change has been reverted. We will be exploring sorting options in the future :slight_smile:


Update: There is now a search bar that works for both usernames and display names as well as an optional drop-down for you to sort for friends based on whether or not they are online and if they are in a game experience. This really helps, thank you!