Sound changing depending on distance

I was trying to make a script that if the player dies the sound will play and the sound will change depending on distance but i’ve ran to a problem. I wanted to change the volume on client sided with events but while i was ran to some error and i’ve quite fixed it but the volume didn’t changed while i was testing the script with my friend
I’m rushed right now so here’s both scripts
Server Sided:

local DeathEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.DeathEvent

		local ScreamPart = Character:WaitForChild("Head")
			local CloseFolder = script.Close:GetChildren()		
			local DistantFolder = script.Distant:GetChildren()
			local CloseNumber = math.random(1,#CloseFolder)
			local DistantNumber = math.random(1,#DistantFolder)

			local CloseSound = CloseFolder[CloseNumber]:Clone()
			local DistantSound = DistantFolder[DistantNumber]:Clone()

			CloseSound.Parent = ScreamPart
			DistantSound.Parent = ScreamPart
			DeathEvent:FireClient(Player, CloseSound, DistantSound, ScreamPart)

Client Sided

local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.DeathEvent
local SoundEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.DeathSoundEvent
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character

Event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(CloseSound, DistantSound, ScreamPart)
	local DisMagnitude = (Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - ScreamPart.Position).magnitude
	if DisMagnitude > 80 then
		DistantSound.Volume = 1
		CloseSound.Volume = 0
		DistantSound.Volume = 0
		CloseSound.Volume = 1

If anyone can fix it thank you

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I forgot, but wasnt there a property about changing volume depending on the distance?

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RollOffDistance and RollOffMode right?

Like i mean that when the player hears the close sound the distant sound will mute

Like i don’t know how to explain it

I’m sorry but I don’t understand ?_?

I’ve found a fix for the script…

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