Sound doesn't fade within part

I have a sound inside a part, and I want the sound to fade out as you move away.

‘Nightclub’ part is the red transparent part.

Can hear in the video that the sound is there, and then it’s not in an instant. The sounds does fade as you move away yes, but it doesn’t come to a fading end, it just stops and starts.

As in, when you are right next to the red part its nice and loud, and as you move away it fades, but ye. It just stops at a certain distance, instead of actually fading.

Not entirely sure how ‘EmitterSize’ works either. Hub isn’t really clear how that and MaxDistance correlate together


You’d need a second part once the player reaches that part the volume begins to lower and lower. Exc. Then once they reach the last part the music would already be low enough to seem faceless once it stops. Or create a script where the center is a position. If you move away lets say (0,1,0) From the center then volume begins to lower

I’d change RollOffMode to InverseTapered.
After that drop the emitter size until it fits with the max distance