Sound Doesn't Play Outside of Studios

Ever since yesterday I’ve noticed that when I tab out of studio or click on Discord on my second screen that all audio and sound from Roblox Studio ceases. I’ve disabled the option to stop playing audios outside of studio but that doesn’t seem to be working. View attached video for more information.

Note that I placed a Display Capture of my second screen in the bottom left corner. I’ve also restarted Studio and restarted my computer but the issue would not resolve. Audios during play testing are the same way.
Also this is my first bug report so if I missed something I should’ve covered, please tell me so I know for future reports.


This is still a thing.

I don’t know if this is an intended feature or if it’s an actual bug, but we still can’t hear audio from ROBLOX Studio when we’re tabbed out.

What if you want to listen to music uploaded by ROBLOX or their licensers while doing something else, like 3D modeling or something for your upcoming game? This is rather inconvenient.


I think it works for what it is, as if you are confined to the studio itself as a sandbox. It should be a studio setting though. Probably not a bug.

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this is intended, there’s an option in settings to toggle this (though do be aware, testing in studio with multiple players will cause sound to overlap and explode your eardrums, i learned this the hard way)


also im not the only one who listens to my game’s music while developing??


That’s cool! I assume toggling that setting will do exactly what I want it to do. However…

I’ve already experienced my fair share of overly loud noises in the past, and I certainly don’t want to get affected even more.

Do you happen to have more specifics on this, and what you mean by “testing in studio with multiple players”? Does this happen in solo sessions? I usually only do things by myself anyway.

It sounds like what you’re experiencing is an actual bug.

i think he means he was using the local server feature in Roblox studio which allows you to test by yourself but with more windows(and each window corresponding as a new player)


when going to test > start and you have more then 1 player, game sounds will overlap


this results in high volume sounds, i’d just recommend turning on the option when you’re about to test


it’s not intended, but it isn’t really a bug since overlapping would be what you would expect


Well, this fixed it for me.
File > Studio Settings > Studio (Tab) > Audio (Section) > Only Play Audio From Window In Focus [Uncheck the checkbox]

Once you have done that, when you minimize roblox studio you should be able to hear the audio from roblox studio when you minimize it or with another application on top of roblox studio.