I don’t know if this category is the right one for this topic but I’m having an issue with volumetric audios. I made up some volumteric ambience sound effects with parts but when I taking a stroll in it, It just echoes the sound for an reason that I don’t know. I’m not using any reverb effects in soundservice or any echo effects in sounds. You can see the video below here: https://streamable.com/kqutf9
Hi, the video recording is not accessible any more. Is it possible to post a new one, or even better a link to an .rblx file that demonstrates the problem?
Sorry, it’s been a while since I opened this topic. I fixed the issue by changing size of the sound parts that they are not colliding each other and lowering the audio roll-off distances. I hope we can use volumetric sounds with unions so it would be much easier.