Sound failed to Load

09:32:13.856 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Ships.Test Team.Phantom.PilotSeat.ShipSound
09:32:13.862 - Sound failed to load : Players.Player1.Sound
09:33:40.285 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Ships.Test Team.Phantom.Phasers.Barrel.GunSound
09:33:40.318 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Ships.Test Team.Phantom.Phasers.Barrel.GunSound

Although the sounds do seem to be working, this error started appearing today kind of clogging up the output window from meaningful messages.

Can you include a file that replicates this behavior? I worked on adding these output messages when sounds and images failed to load and did not notice any behavior like this when the sound actually correctly loaded.

I get these messages too, but sounds work fine.

It even happens before I press play, in studio mode

Ok attached a very simple baseplate place with a single looping sound in the workspace and a script to play it. I can hear the sound looping fine.

Console output:
11:29:31.868 - DataModel Loading
11:29:40.513 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Sound
11:31:20.138 - Auto-Saving…
Model rotation fix version: 2.0 is up and running!
11:31:21.442 - Sound failed to load : CoreGui.RobloxGui.Sounds.VolumeChangeSound

Here is a local script you can run, sound failed errors occur, but still play 100% fine.

[code]local Audio = “rbxassetid://259931168”

local Sound =“Sound”)
Sound.Parent = script.Parent
Sound.SoundId = Audio

1 Like

While youre at it, dont make it show the error on blank SoundIds, thats what i use for sounds that change as the default

I’m getting these errors as well:


19:59:48.184 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.185 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.308 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.309 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.310 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.311 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.312 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.313 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.313 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.314 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.315 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.315 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.316 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.317 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.317 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.318 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.319 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.319 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.320 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.321 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.322 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.323 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.324 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.325 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.326 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.326 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.327 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.328 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.329 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot 19:59:48.329 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Page 19:59:48.330 - Sound failed to load : Soundscape.Slingshot

^ I get this about 5 times! :frowning:

[quote] Here is a local script you can run, sound failed errors occur, but still play 100% fine.

[code]local Audio = “rbxassetid://259931168”

local Sound =“Sound”)
Sound.Parent = script.Parent
Sound.SoundId = Audio
Sound:Play()[/code] [/quote]

This can be avoided by doing the following :

local Audio = "rbxassetid://259931168"

local Sound ="Sound")
Sound.SoundId = Audio
Sound.Parent = script.Parent

It shouldn’t output an error for a blank soundId though.


Ok attached a very simple baseplate place with a single looping sound in the workspace and a script to play it. I can hear the sound looping fine.

Console output:
11:29:31.868 - DataModel Loading
11:29:40.513 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Sound
11:31:20.138 - Auto-Saving…
Model rotation fix version: 2.0 is up and running!
11:31:21.442 - Sound failed to load : CoreGui.RobloxGui.Sounds.VolumeChangeSound [/quote]

The line of output :
11:29:40.513 - Sound failed to load : Workspace.Sound
Is not being output for me.
CoreGui.RobloxGui.Sounds.VolumeChangeSound is failing to load for me but this is as the soundId is originally blank (I will probably change it so this doesn’t happen for blank soundIds.)

I’m getting these errors on an empty baseplate:

I haven’t updated studio recently, so I assume it’s flag related.

I’m getting this from the Brick Cutter plugin now:

I haven’t updated studio or the plugin recently, so I assume it’s flag-related.

Any progress on this? It is driving me crazy, the sea of red text is making it hard to see the real errors. I’d be fine with just having the option to ignore this particular error.

1 Like

I see the errors in every game that has sounds, even gear has problems making sounds.

Please provide an example place that exhibits this behavior. Include a link to the place or model so we can find it and attempt to reproduce the behavior here.

I’m also having this problem, and it’s completely preventing runtime-created sounds from playing in my game. I universally set the ID before parenting the audio, so I don’t know what I can do on my end. Needs fixed ASAP.

This behavior does not prevent any sounds for playing, it is simply an error message update. So far the only instances of this I have seen where the error message is outputted mistakenly are when the soundId is blank.

Also, why do you set the soundId twice?

AudioObject.SoundId = Sound.SoundId
AudioObject.SoundId = “”…Sound.SoundId

This behavior does not prevent any sounds for playing, it is simply an error message update. So far the only instances of this I have seen where the error message is outputted mistakenly are when the soundId is blank.

Also, why do you set the soundId twice?

AudioObject.SoundId = Sound.SoundId
AudioObject.SoundId = “”…Sound.SoundId[/quote]

I haven’t messed with this code in a while, didn’t notice that before. I removed that repetition and the problem still persists. All I know is that all sounds I created through this function worked until this bug popped up, and now they don’t play at all and I get that error in the output.

@TheGamer101: Unfortunately there are way too many scripts which set the SoundId after they parent the sound to anything – including the CoreGui. Exmpty baseplate > play solo:

Install a couple plugins? A couple of them probably parent the sound before setting the SoundId. This new error shouldn’t occur when the SoundId is blank.

[quote] @TheGamer101: Unfortunately there are way too many scripts which set the SoundId after they parent the sound to anything – including the CoreGui. Exmpty baseplate > play solo:

Install a couple plugins? A couple of them probably parent the sound before setting the SoundId. This new error shouldn’t occur when the SoundId is blank. [/quote]

Yes, this is being changed so that the error won’t happen if SoundId is blank.

Are there any updates on this? I still see the error everywhere I go.