Sound has crackling noise

Hi, I’m using PitchShiftSoundEffect in my sound, so my vehicle sound pitch will change depending on the speed of the vehicle, that works fine, but the sound has crackling noises in it, I’m not sure why…

The crackling noise is not from the default sound.
Here is the default sound: rbxassetid://5676057967

Can anyone help me with this problem?

Here’s my game so you can hear this strange crackling noise inside of the sound:

Any help is much appreciated! :grinning: :+1:

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I suggest you post this in #bug-reports:engine-bugs.
Also, can I see your code to review it?
Edit: I unfortunately cannot play the game currently as I’m away from my computer and browsing devforum on my phone, but I’ll review the game later.

Hello, i am Power, and builder of devfourm! So, i do not know why it is doing that! i never seen that happen before! but i can take a look! if i have seen it before! and give you an solution! but, i Don’t think i would not be very good at fixing it! bc I’m an builder, but i can see the problem and see if i can fix it! if you would let me to!




Why did you reply just to tell me, “you cant help me”. Lol

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Good, solution! on that, i think it would work.

That’s what I thought but I didn’t want to be rude lol

Uhhhh I was asking for requirements to get a solution, that was not a solution.

Sorry, About that i was hoping that i can see it i might have a solution, on it if not he might can help you, on that.

You can see it by playing the game…

And then comparing it to the sound ID, I provided.

Also can you send over your code snippet that uses PitchShiftSoundEffect so I can possibly give you a solution?

Hm, Okay i agree with you! on that but i can just have a look on it if that’s okay.

He literally linked the game.
Edit: why did it call it “Content coming soon” lol

Good, Idea i will go in the game, And sorry about that i will just take an look and you can help him! with the solution on how to fix it, well good luck! on that.

Ye, that’s like an crinkling, Noice sorry, i cannot help bc I’m not very good at that stuff! but i just look at some stuff, as an Builder even.

What are the property values of the PitchShiftSoundEffect? The sound itself? What properties of both the sound effect and audio are you changing?