Sound Https Errors

Hi Developers,

Recently I’ve been getting these errors I’ve tried re-uploading the sounds changing the way my script works etc, but they still seem to occur does anyone have any idea on how I can get this fixed?


Those errors generally indicate which sound ID it is attempting to load when an error encounted, usually rbxassetid://XXXXXXXXXX (where X is a number). In your screenshot it is Timedout / DnsResolve, suggesting that that is the ID you set the sound to. Can you please double check that the sound IDs are indeed actual IDs and not the text?

Are you using HTTPService at all to try and get the sounds? If so, you may be reading the error as the output.

it is extremely common to have sound related errors in their various stages in our games too.
and we are mostly just use Sound part and fixed soundId.
There seems nothing you can do about it.