Sound is heard globally but I want it directional

I have a script to replace the walking sounds of a player, it all works fine and the sounds work. However I want the sounds to be heard by all players and the source to be the players HumanoidRootPart. I’ve gotten it to become a server played sound when the player walks and the sound is stored inside the players rootpart, but it doesn’t roll off after the set distance and isn’t directional. I know it should work because im using the same settings as other audio from the rootpart which work just fine but this footstep sounds just seem to always be global. I’ve tried other sound IDs and I’ved tried playing it from a part in the workspace but it all results in just a sound heard from anywhere on the map.

Can anyone help me with this? Is it a bug or am I overlooking something.

Change the roll off max distance to a lower value maybe?

Please show us the script.
Is it a local or global script?
Also show us where you are placing the sound in the player with a picture of the Explorer window.