Sound issue when turning back from it

  1. What do you want to achieve? Hello, i have a sound issue and i would want to fix it

  2. What is the issue? The issue is that when i turn back from all sounds in my game (the ones that are played in parts) it lower the volume and sometimes mute completely, here is an example : 2022-10-18 13-11-01

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried to fix it myself and looked on forums.

This is the sound in the door


And this is the sound that completely mute when i turn back from it


I tested the door sound in Roblox Studio in an anchored part and I had no issues. I set isPlaying to True and looped the sound while leaving all of the other settings the same as yours.

You’re experiencing either an issue with the 3D Sound or (maybe) your headset. If your headset has spatial sound try taking it off and see if the issue persists when using your computer’s speakers.

If you still have the same problem even without your headset, then perhaps the issue is where your sound object is located or how you’re playing the sound. Do you have the same issue when the sound object is located inside a stationary part? Additionally, what script are you using to play the sound?

The sound in my door is not isPlaying and looped

I know, I’m trying to control the variables so that we can determine what is actually causing the issue. The problem has nothing to do with the sound properties, it’s most likely caused by the location of your sound object or the script you are using to play the sound.

The sound is located on the top part of the door frame

It comes from the highlighted part


I noticed you posted this topic before and the issue clearly isn’t related to your scripts or your game itself, it’s an issue with your own audio output. I found 2 solutions to this online, I’m not sure which one will work.

Open your computer’s settings and go to System>Sound and select your audio output device (speaker). Find Spatial Audio and change it from “off” to “Windows Sonic for Headphones”

If that doesn’t work, try turning “Enhance Audio” to off.


Turning my spatial audio to Windows Sonic for Headphones worked, thank you so much i didn’t know how i would fix my issue