Sound not playing from server side in studio

I have a few sounds that emit from a part. I start playing them in a server sided script directly inside the part. On the client everything is fine, the sound plays correctly in 3D space. But when I switch to server view, I absolutely don’t hear any of the sounds

A little update. When I straight up “RUN” the game from the server side, I can hear the audio, but when I “Play” and then while playing switch to server side, I can’t hear it on the server side

Where are the sounds located? Try moving them to workspace.

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They are in workspace inside a part

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Try to literally move them to the workspace first level, this worked for me before.

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How would that solve my problem if I want them to emit from a part not from a random point?

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Ahh i didnt realize you wanted it to still emit from the part, only just to be heard by server, my bad.

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The server cant hear the sounds. Only clients can hear it.


When you are playing on the server side, try clicking into the sound properties and see if anything has changed, such as the volume level or the maxdistance.

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