I made a bombing tool and the sound doesn’t work when I do Sound:Play()
Even Sound.Playing = true
doesn’t make any difference. I have tested it by playing in the studio and by checking PlayOnRemove
which works when the bomb is destroyed (but also when the player leaves or resets which I don’t want). If I play sound directly from the tool, it plays but then it will be in the tool instead of the clone in the workspace. Here’s my script. Any help is much appreciated!
local Tool = script.Parent
local bom = Tool.Handle:Clone()
bom.Parent = workspace
bom.CanCollide = true
bom.Part.CanCollide = true
bom.Part1.CanCollide = true
bom.Sound:Play() -- Soundis there when I check through explorer and plays if i play it manually.
local exp = Instance.new("Explosion",workspace)
exp.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters
exp.BlastRadius = 25
exp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
exp.Position = bom.Position
I have searched forums but couldn’t find an answer. Sound works if I play manually before the bomb blasts.