ive recently been working on adding a sound system and have uncovered a strange phenomenon.
(i have 2 independent sound systems playing, one for playing tracks in a loop, and one for making gui noises for things like mouse enter)
whenever i trigger the GUI noises too quickly in succession (Eg in bulk),
I notice that the independent music track stops prematurely.
(and its random weather you can then hear even the sound effects).
This leads me to believe that there is some limit to soundtracks being played in a game at any one time. (or maybe just overloaded?)
the music does not change status, or resume.
the cutoff seems to be maybe around 25 ish ?
my current dual sound system
– the background music player
all guis go to the same bindable.
also an example of the gui code
(after a small period the sound efefcts work again, i assume because they are “fresh” clones.
but then somehow the music system was messed up).
i made this addition
but it does not activate either when the sound stopps.
further making me believe this is perhaps unintentional.
even more strange, after a relatively long time,
the music track starts again (from the beginning)
meaning that it still gives the ended event and resets the loop.
strange …
(i also got this error
but im pretty sure its unrelated.)
so here it is.
have i discovered a roblox cap, a practical limit, or have i made some mistake ?
(also forgot to say this)
this is all in a signle script that is clientsided