Sound replication problems

So basically I want players to have custom footsteps. Now that’s easy, I just delete the default ‘Running’ sound and do what I need to do after.

The problem is that I also want the footsteps to be replicated, meaning other players can also hear the custom footstep sounds, so I also need to delete the default sound for others.

I could just have a Server Script that does this:

    Player. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character)

BUT, for some reason, Roblox doesn’t have the Running sound on the Server, meaning I can’t access it on a server script.

If anyone knows a solution for this, PLEASE don’t hesitate to reply! :nerd_face:

Well, you could run a local script that loops through all players, get their HumanoidRootParts, destroy their default running sound and clone the new one. I have no experience in this issue, but this is my best bet.

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