So I’m making a system, that will choose a Radom song from a folder of songs, Now what happens is I clone a random song, parent it to workspace, and When I try to get the .TimeLength of the song it prints 0.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SongPool = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Songs"):GetChildren()
local StartSize =,0,1,0)
local FinishSize =,0,1,0)
local function digital_format(n) -- Converts seconds into a mm:ss timer
return string.format("%d:%02d", math.floor(n/60), n%60)
while true do
-- Start Here
local CurrentSong = SongPool[math.random(#SongPool)]:Clone(); CurrentSong.Parent = game.Workspace.Song
local SongsName, SongDuration = CurrentSong.Name, CurrentSong.TimeLength -- Here is where we get the Time.Length
-- End Here
-- Prints: 0:00 and 0
print("Song Duration: "..digital_format(SongDuration).. " Before Function: " ..SongDuration) -- Prints 0:00 and 0
script.Parent.Bar.Bar.Size = StartSize
script.Parent.SongName.Text = SongsName
script.Parent.MaxDuration.Text = digital_format(SongDuration)
script.Parent.Bar.Bar:TweenSize(FinishSize, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, SongDuration)
local duration = 0
duration = duration + 1
script.Parent.Duration.Text = digital_format(duration)
until duration == math.round(SongDuration)
duration = 0
More info: The song before it is cloned has a TimeLength of 160.522
. This is also a LocalScript
. The song also plays, and there are no errors in the output
So what I’m trying to figure out why the .TimeLength outputs 0?
Thanks In Advanced