So basically Sound:GetPropertyChangedSignal(“TimePosition”) never fires even if i make it on the client.
I really need help this bug has made me unable to update a sound in my game SINCE 2022
here is the script sample if needed
if EnergyCore.ControlRoom.SoundEmitter.Alarm2.TimePosition >= 19 then
EnergyCore.ControlRoom.SoundEmitter.Alarm2.TimePosition = 0
(my script is suposed to set the timeposition back to 0 after it reached 19 seconds)
I think it is because some properties don’t fire their changed signals due to performance reasons. Think of things that update very often and firing a changed event everytime could be devastating, like position properties.
I think this is one of those properties were the timeposition fires too often so they disabled firing the changed event for it.
You have to find a different way of doing what you want.