Sound2 - Roblox Sound Wrapper

Sound2 - Roblox Sound Wrapper

Sound2 is new high perfomance sound wrapper for roblox that makes audio management 100 times easier. Sound2 gives you full control of the standart roblox sound instance with additions of unique “Priority” system that allows you to make certain sounds mute each other.

Why Sound2 ?

  • The module makes it overall easier to manage sounds in a complex game with ambient, background music, some effects that should stop the music for a little.
  • Everything takes 1 function call to execute and heavily customizable via properties of the Sound2 Instance.
  • Unlike many other modules, Sound2 is well documented and got an API
  • Uploaded as a Wally-Package
  • Will be updated and supported in the future!

Sound2 is overall makes your audio management easier, especially for big projects.
We hope that this makes your life easier, fellow robloxians

Visit the official documentation!
Downloaded the module!