If you came here looking for SoundPreviewer let me tell you it no longer exists, Easier Sound exists now instead. SoundPreviewer was an old plugin of mine which I decided to put offsale and rework into the new Easier Sound for 2 reasons:
I don’t have a lot of plugins, but I wanted to make the few I had high quality plugins
The old one wasn’t very efficient
Easier Sound was finished just a while ago and I didn’t have enough time to add all the features I have in mind and to make a new announcement post. So this post serves as a temporary holder for the plugin, the post will get deleted as soon as I get some time to create documentation for Easier Sound.
I always have the same problem, creating sound effects and doing tons of tests to see which one is the best MaxDistance. No longer wanted to do that, so I made this plugin, SoundPreviewer.
SoundPreviewer is a plugin that makes it easier for developers to modify sounds, by using SphereHandleAdornments and BillboardGuis to display the Sound Info in real-time.
First of all, install the plugin, once you have it installed, that’s all, every time you select a sound, a sphere will appear around the sound parent containing Sound info like the volume, name, distance, etc…
You can also select multiple sounds and modify them at the same time
By default the plugin will generate a sphere every time you select a sound parented to a BasePart or an Attachment, but if you no longer want to generate an sphere when you select a sound, you can toggle the plugin on and off with the plugin buttons.
Button functions:
Turn On/Off: Disable or enable plugin (including all existing spheres).
Preview all: Create a sound preview sphere for every sound located in workspace
Turn On/Off Extra Info: Disable or enable sound info billboards, without disabling the spheres.
Depending on wheter the sound has got an ID or not, the surrounding sphere color will be different, being red if there is no ID or blue if there is a valid ID.
If you find any bug, you want to suggest a feature or you want to provide feedback feel free to post it here or do it at this plugin’s official GitHub repository.
This is really neat and definitely something I’m going to use in the future. Would you consider adding a feature like draggable points, so that people can adjust the distance of the sound through the plugin?
Version 2.0.0 is now live and avaible for everybody to install here. It comes with several bug fixes, improved and more optimised functions & methods, work-in-progress content like audio draggers, and some aesthetical changes to the buttons.
To see a detailed log of all the changes that have been made since v1.0., check out the offical plugin github
ever since this new update the plugin has stopped working, I’ve tried everything, reinstalling, click some of the buttons, but no matter what, the UI and ball never come up, do you have any idea on how to fix, or is there a way to go back a version.
I noticed the plugin is offsale and was just wondering if you ever plan on reworking the plugin? Don’t mean to bump the thread but I just came across it and would find this very helpful.
Yup, the plugin is offsale because I actually reworked it. Its new version is called Easier Sound since my new focus for the plugin is adding some new tools for working with sounds other than only previewing sounds.
The plugin can be bought for 20 robux but I’m thinking about making it free since I’m not really looking into getting a lot of profit from plugins, I see them more as a tool that everybody should have access to so we can improve our projects.
But anyways the rework in general meant a whole change to the code, not only it is way shorter than before but also a lot more efficient than the old one who used polling as the main way to check for new sound instances. It also has less bugs and in general is better. The rework currently only adds the preview feature plus a settings window but my next idea is to create a custom library (with free sounds) with search sorting and more. It could be a great addition.
Wow I’m happy to hear it’s been reworked, and appreciative of you looking out for the community so before you make it free, take my 20 robux!
I honestly think it’s worth much more anyways. I’d also have to agree with you, I think a custom library would be a great addition as well. I sure would find it beneficial.
For those using the plugin, first, thanks for buying it, it’ll be a good support for my future projects and I also wanted to say that I recently updated the plugin.
I tweaked some internal things and also fixed some other problems. I also added a new ui component that appears between groups of settings in the Settings window and a cool button that allows you to reset settings to default values (Mostly made it because I had some old plugin settings that I wanted to remove)
The next update will include all the things I just talked about like the Custom Sound Library, good documentation and also github repository with source code. If someone is wondering, for the next update I’ll start using the “Premium/Lite” format, so I can provide a neat plugin to the community for free while still keeping a way to get supported and as an appreciation to all the people that already supported me.