Sounds Crashing Studio

I’ve been having some problems lately that have never happened before; all have to do with Sounds:

[li]If I play a Sound, it crashes studio.[/li]
[li]If I copy and paste an ID into a SoundId, it crashes studio.[/li]

The strange part about this is that I have not been getting the “ROBLOX has encountered an unexpected error and needs to quit” message. Studio just closes down.

How to reproduce:

  1. Insert a Sound
  2. Put a SoundID in (If you can)
  3. Play

Is it just me or is this happening to anyone else?

Happens to me so much, there are so many threads of this issue. Sounds are prone to crashing ROBLOX Studio. :frowning:

Were you able to reproduce the bug I’m having? My brother tried and it didn’t crash for him. However, this has been happening 100% of the time for me.