Sounds Failing To Load

For the past couple days, several random sounds just appear to not load at all.

This happens for all users on the same sounds, these sounds were functioning fine for months.

This issue appears to only happen in workspaces that the sound was not uploaded to even though it has the permission to be played there. The sounds function fine on the original workspace it was uploaded on.


Did you give the audio permission to play through the audio’s create page?

Yes, it was working fine for months on the same audio but it randomly broke now.

In studio it doesnt even show the warning of it needing to get added for that workspace.


I have this issue too. Very frustrating. I manage to fix it by going through each audio and granting them permission to play in the universe they’re supposed to.

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Are you facing this issue with any other sound currently? Can you share the asset id?

Did this happen for all assets not uploaded through the workspace or just some of them?

This happened to just some of them such as the ones I shared in the screenshot.

They were previously working fine though so it randomly just broke about a week ago I believe.

i have this issue too it was working yesterday but its broken now

Can you share the assetId that is broken?

@iplaygame_theory We are still having this issue.

Is there any ETA on when this will get fixed?

Issue appears to be resolved now.

Old message

@iplaygame_theory We are still having this issue.

Here are all the sound ids that are broken for us:

The sound itself has the proper permission to work in our game but they just dont function at all right now.

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