Sounds parented to "Player" play to all clients

Only recently has this become an issue for my game that sounds parented to a player would play to all clients. Sounds parented to a specific player are supposed to not be played to anyone else.

At this moment, you can hear game signals and UI clicks for every player on the game.

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Is this for FE or non-FE, or both?

This has basically started happening since yesterday. It’s not FE and the server is creating those sounds.

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cc @spotco since he enabled some sound-related changes 15 hours ago

Was this a sound that was previously in the workspace, and then moved to the Player/Players object, by any chance?

The defacto behaviour of all objects was that once it touches the workspace, they are fully replicated even when moved out. This has not changed.

If it isn’t, can you give me more info about them?
(Where are they created client/server, what is the initial parentage and what is the parentage at play?)

This code would play a sound locally. Now everyone hears it.

--Client-sided code--
CommonGMUIFunc["PlaySound"] = function(sound_id, vol, pitch, cleanup)
	local snd ="Sound")
	snd.SoundId = sound_id
	snd.Volume = vol
	snd.Pitch = pitch
	snd.Parent = player

I’ve noticed this game also experiencing this problem:

The food eating noise would be played for you only, but now you hear this noise from every other player.

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taking a look

Did some investigation, and I would definitely NOT recommend creating single-player-heard sounds in this way. It has never worked in play solo, and the actual Sound object itself IS replicated across clients. I’d recommend creating them in the client somewhere outside the workspace, they won’t replicate in that case.

That being said, if you’ve got a specific game you’d like to have temporarily reverted please post the link. This is something I would fix ASAP.

What would you recommend on a non-Filtering Enabled game? The only container that does not replicate is the Camera.

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I used a LocalScript to create a sound parented to the PlayerGui when my game was non-FE, and that always worked for me. See if that still works after this change.

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It does replicate, at least for 3D sound (sounds in a brick), even in FE. This “feature” has caused me many headaches. I’ve found that Cindering’s method is the only method.