Sounds RollOff not working

Have sounds been updated?

I was testing out my game just now and I noticed that all the sounds don’t roll-off nicely anymore. Instead they just abruptly go silent when you’re outside their MaxDistance or stay at their loudest when inside the MaxDistance, no matter what RollOffMode I use.

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taking a look

I did more testing: I reinstalled ROBLOX twice, didn’t help. It only happens in studio/play solo for me, and online the client does not mute when minimized.

Yep, rolling just stopped working last night in my place as well (makes cars passing by very abrupt xD )

Noticed the same thing with my water sound effects!

bug has been fixed



I can verify that this is fixed as well.

I opened up the latest client version of Studio and played Roblox Water Park and all ambient sounds faded in and out as you walk into and away from different parts of the game. Verified in both play solo and multiplayer modes.

I also have this problem. It does roll off, but once it gets past a point, it just breaks silence.

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