Source character limit inconsistent between studio CSV upload and adding entries through the site

How to reproduce:

  1. Create a CSV with a 500 character string as the source
  2. Attempt to upload through studio (it will fail)
  3. Add the same string as entry through the localization tab on the site, which works without issue

Expected behavior

Character limit remains consistent with both CSV upload and adding entries through the site. Uploading a CSV is great for organizational purposes but this is ruined if certain strings have to be out of order because of an inconsistency with the character limit.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hello! Thank you for this report and your patience. Can you try adding a string with 500 characters via the LocalizationTools csv uploader now? It should work.

In future, we will try to keep the website and loc tools maximums consistent with each other so the same strings are accepted/rejected each way.

Hello! I had verified the fix myself originally, and so now that it has been out for a little while I will go ahead and mark this as fixed. If the issue has not been resolved for you please reopen/report this again!

Thank you for your patience on this.

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