Source engine physics


i have been working on this script for a long time now, and it has gotten better and better.

what does it do?

creates “new” player physics based on games such as:
Half-Life 1 and 2
L4D1 and 2
Garrys Mod.
basically every source game that has the physics.

when the player jumps, they cannot stop moving until they land. (inerta im pretty sure, tell me if im wrong)
players being able to launch themselfs off ramps and other objects, giving them air time, which wasnt even intended when i was making it.
kind of fun gameplay.

what will it be used in?

im some games that i will make, if it makes it more fun.
it is also being used in my main project, which is a FPS.
i thought it would be fun to add goofy and funky physics into a FPS, and mainly because nobody has done it yet.
how does it work?
Linear Velocity, it used to use body velocity but that got depricated.

will i release it?
i do not know why anyone would want this, but i know that people would ask this.
probably yes.
but it still has a lot of bugs i need to fix and a lot of features i want to add.

Heres an example of the script in action.

if you want to see the game and try out the physics for yourself, i can respond and add a link to the game.
