I can’t find a way to fix those space between my character body parts.
Is this happing to everyone or just you when you play?
We need more information.
- Is it just in Studio or is it in game as well?
- Have you changed any of the Character settings like Scale?
- Is this all one package (arms, legs, upper torso, head etc.) or have you taken a bunch of different body parts from the catalog and put them together?
You may be able to weld other Parts to your body to ‘hide’ it in your game, but you’ll never be able to do that when you play other people’s games.
Is it just in Studio or is it in game as well?
-studio and in game -
Have you changed any of the Character settings like Scale?
-no -
Is this all one package (arms, legs, upper torso, head etc.) or have you taken a bunch of different body parts from the catalog and put them together?
-package imported with a plugin and added accesories to it
Was this a package you made and imported, or a Roblox package that you imported using the plugin?
I’m wondering if the plugin is causing the issue. Maybe it was older and didn’t calculate for scale properly.
Can you try without the plugin?
it only happens when i use the plugin
with this script the package has no problem :
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function GetOutfitIdFromBundleId(id)
local BundleInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id, Enum.InfoType.Bundle)
for i, item in BundleInfo.Items do
if item.Type == "UserOutfit" then
return item.Id
local BundleId = 250
local OutfitId = GetOutfitIdFromBundleId(BundleId)
local Description = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId(OutfitId)
local Model = Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(Description, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15)
Model.Parent = workspace
I was using bundle inserter plugin.
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