Space Cruiser Looks Ugly

I have this cruiser for my space battle game and it looks too ugly to be used for the game

How can I fix it?
What details should I add?
And what do I need to replace?


Check out some Star Wars creations, none of them is this blocky, pure rectangle


Hi there,

On the edge of the space ship, you can add some wedges so it makes a slant. That will give it some more realism (Even though space cruisers aren’t real LOL). Also, add frames for the blue windows because they look to neon if that makes any sense. Adding a window frame will block some of the neon coming out of the side and give it a more of a window look. I spotted that the bridge on your ship is just a block. you want to change that and add variations of different parts to give the effect of it being more rounded. If you think in all the films like Star Wars they don’t have blocky bridges. Also an effect like some space ships in the hangars would look cool. as if gives one of those details that people know that is there but they don’t quite know its there. Good job on the model though. I like the whole concept behind the game. :slight_smile:

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I see
Thanks for the detailed explanation and tip I’ll restart and remake the spaceship and make sure to add more details and variations of sizes and shapes on each different part of the ship

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And thanks for pointing out that star wars is a nice place for spaceship references
Already found the perfect one to take inspiration on


Show us the finished result :slight_smile: I would love to see it.


Okay, it’s way, way, way too rectangular. Try using blender or unioning parts together for a better result.


I’ll post an image once I’m done

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