Space time ability ideas?

Ok, basically, I am making a require script, all I want is an idea for a simple ability.
I’ve tried asking a lot of my friends, and they have come up with things like “Speed up time”, “Rewind Time”, “Stop time”. Yes, those are in the genre I want the ability to be in (related to some sort of time and space). But, some are a bit too hard to replicate correctly and accurately, and some are just… Boring.
Anyway, all I ask for is an ability that is easy to replicate, and involving time and space (Keep it interesting!) Thanks!

I’m confused, do you need help with a script or the story?

You know what, nevermind! I actually just found the answer I was looking for.

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Ability to attract projectiles into a certain area like a blackhole? im assuming your making a magic pvp/pve game.

Thank you very much for the idea, I will most likely use this for another ability I am making, although, I have already found an answer to my problem. I will keep this idea in mind though!