Spacial voice beta ui hidden/moved

Is there a way to move or hide the yellow beta icon? As far as I can tell in the documentation there’s no way to.
Say I were to just move all my topbar icons over instead, that wouldn’t look good either since the beta icon isn’t even in line with the chat/roblox icons because it’s offset to the right by like 10 pixels. Frustrating!

It is impossible to fetch or modify that badge’s position/size. If you can determine when a player has voice chat available, you can offset those icons so the gap between the first custom button and the beta badge is the same as the gap between the badge and the chat button.

Right, I could move them like I said in the initial post by using IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync()

The issue with that is that the distance between the Roblox icon and the chat icon is 12 pixels, while the distance between the chat icon and the beta icon is ~20 pixels, which is why I said that they’re not in line, so it’d look bad to shift all my custom icons over to the right.

I’m probably going to wind up moving all my icons to the center of the topbar instead, it’s just frustrating that it’s impossible to move the beta icon or at least have it be consistent with the preexisting icons.

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If using topbarplus, there should be a setting you need to toggle to account for the beta icon.

I’m not using any plugin, they’re my own icons. Would this plugin hide or move the beta icon? I already said I don’t want to format my icons around the beta icon since it’s not in-line with the roblox logo / chat.

TheGamer101 provided parameters for sizing/positioning your own icons, but this new beta icon addition is completely off the rails from the original topbar for whatever reason.

You can not disable the beta icon. You can only format your icons around it.