New In-Game Topbar

Personally, I think it’s a nice change. Gradual changes like this are required to avoid having user experiences become passé. I do think we need to drive a little more consistency in the UI over time, and this change is a step towards that IMHO.

Somewhat more importantly, of course, is impact to players and overall playability.
Obviously you will be doing A/B testing on this at scale (or you already have). It would be great to share the test results with the forum on this kind of change. For example, change in Topbar usage, impact of gameplay for affected games, impact of monetization, etc. Some of this will require significant volumes to derive of course.


bring back the leaderboard by your name, or at least make a easy way to access it, especially for big games. also the roblox icon looks odd, why not a more modern menu icon, instead of just slapping the roblox icon down. I’m not in the group to test it, :frowning: but it looks alright so far, though some changes like distancing and the UI could be fixed from these posts.


I like the idea but yeah I agree with the others members it looks too much empty. Why don’t make the Topbar transparent white and the icons black? It will look better in my opinion.


I am not a fan of this, the shadow on the logos are inconsistent with the leader board. I’m also just not a fan of shadows behind thing in general.

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I’m find with this but, the icons could be hard to see.

Hello Developers,

We have decided to update the new top bar to have more consistency between the icons and allow them to stand out better against all sorts of backgrounds. We have particularly changed the size of the Roblox Logo for opening the in game menu to better fit with the rest of the icons.

Here is what this now looks like:

Size and Positioning Information:

  • There is 16 pixels of padding on the left and right side of the screen
  • The icon background is 32x32 and is offset from the top of the screen by 4 pixels
  • There is 12 pixels between the Roblox icon and the chat icon
  • The standard health bar is 80 x 6 pixels and 12 pixels from the more icon. It is aligned to the center of the more icon
  • The Xbox health bar is 220 x 16 pixels. It is offset 48 pixels from the right side of the screen and 28 from the top

Thanks for all your great feedback in this thread!


This is a great improvement already! To be honest, I would prefer a menu icon over the Roblox logo, but this works for me, and I understand why you guys did it this way. Good work :slight_smile:


Is it me or anyone else didn’t get the new in-game topbar?


Thank you for listening to our feedback, It is well appreciated.


The new top bar has not been shipped yet, it will be shipped in the next week or two all going well!

We are also currently AB testing a new in game menu but shipping that for all users and all platforms is further away.


How do I get access to this new in-game menu? It is important I make it compatible in my games.

  • The Roblox icon should be a flat, white, icon. The gradient and drops hadow look strange and they don’t fit with the style.
  • The rest of the icons are improperly scaled and/or sized. From the picture you sent, the chat icon has a thicker middle line than the rest and I know it’s not like that natively.

Your icons should be designed for the size that they’re displayed at. It looks like they’re just big PNGs scaled down which is not appeasing.


That’s a great change to In-Game topbar, but I feel like this Roblox logo button is not in the corner. Also, I have to agree with unmiss because the gradient does not fit with this new In-Game topbar style.



This feature should be part of the beta program, Like I said I need to update my games to be compatible with it.


I thought that it was since I have it, but it seems like its not. It also seems like some people have the newer version of the topbar when I have the first AB test version with then new menu, so I’m not really sure what to think of how they are testing it. In my opinion it would be better done with the beta group rather than what ever other way they are using.

How do you get this new topbar and menu? Some people are saying they have it, but I don’t have it and it’s also not in the beta features in Studio.


Would you all be willing to look into giving the user the option to move these icons around? They seem very… Draggable-looking. Also the leaderboard is annoyingly far away from the top of the screen, I’d love to have the option to move it back up.


it’s still not released. it could possibly be for select players.

  • The roblox icon should be back to hamburger icon since it would be much obvious for new players.

  • The leaderboard icon should be empty inside like the others.

  • it wasn’t needed to revamp the old icons, they looked perfect as they were.


The leaderboard is enabled so the icon is filled, when the emotes menu and inventory are turned on they also become filled in.