Spam prevention

What can I do to prevent spamming the SAME word multiple times in every message. When done, it would display a “Warning” message

Its different than usual spamming, as it would not warn per usual spam, I am focusing on spamming the same word per message. Like spamming dots, etc

Let me explain,
Most chat spam prevention systems warn/kick users sending messages too fast, which is a nice method to clear spammers. But, the system I am looking for is that when a person spams a word per message continuously in a given amount of time, he/she would get a warning

For Example

Case 1

P1 - Lolll - 12:00pm
P2 - :confused: - 12:01pm
P1 - . - 12:01pm
P1 - . - 12:01pm
P1 - . - 12:01pm

Player 1 was warned.

Case 2

P1 - Noob! - 12:00pm
P2 - No, I am new! - 12:01pm
P1 - L - 12:01pm
P1 - L - 12:01pm
P1 - L - 12:01pm

Player 1 was warned

Other scenarios can be for Bots who copy paste the same message etc
The time span of ever spam message difference could be 1 min, which means no usage of the same word/sentence in a message in the same minute


This could be a bit of a complicated example since spam can come in numerous forms. Filter functions should be able to help you apply multiple filters here such as on a per-character basis and per-word basis if that’s what you’re trying to achieve.

Could you give some specific examples of what you may consider spam and flaggable if done within the same sent message? It would be more helpful to see exactly what kinds of phrases you want to be preventing from being sent.

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I editted my message to make it easier to understand :smiley:

No specific phrase but the repetition of any kind would be prevented, as flagging certain words/phrases would list a lot of things

Maybe you can save a specific message as a string when it’s saved, then check if the player sends that again.

What about the time difference between the messages?

You can make so if player sends messages faster then X amount of time it will check if there are any blacklisted words from your methatable. Like if player repeats same word in messages it will blacklist work (insert in metatable) and if player send again message with same word they will get warn/kick or whatever.

Just check for time difference, delete the string after a while or something.

I’d write down a table that contains their past 3 messages, then compare them all if they’re duplicates - hence, warning them if so. Alongside, coroutine is used to remove old messages, so it doesn’t affiliate over time. Here’s a sample:

	local msgs = {}
		msgs[3] = msgs[2]; msgs[2] = msgs[1]; msgs[1] = msg --sorting order
		local duplicateMsgs = 0
		for _, i in pairs(msgs) do
			if i == msg then duplicateMsgs += 1 end --if duplicate then adds 1
		if duplicateMsgs == 3 then --if all 3 are duplicates then
			print(plr.Name.." has spammed")
            --warning stuff here
			msgs = {} --resets
		coroutine.wrap(function() --so wait() doesn't interfere by yielding
			wait(3) --amount of time until message resets
			for pos, i in pairs(msgs) do
				if i == msg then msgs[pos] = nil; break end

Try using ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction to delete the message, you can use something like a RemoteEvent to notify the player that they have been warned.

local chatService = require(ServerScriptService:WaitForChild('ChatServiceRunner').ChatService) -- get the chatservice module
local messages = {} -- table of all the sent messages
local times = {} -- table of how many times a player has sent the same message

chatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction('antispam', function(speakerName, message)
	if messages[speakerName] == message and times[speakerName] >= 2 then -- check
		coroutine.wrap(function() -- dont know if i need to use a coroutine here
			wait(1.5) -- reset after 1.5 seconds
			messages[speakerName] = nil
			times[speakerName] = nil
		-- warn player here
		return true -- delete the message

	messages[speakerName] = message
	times[speakerName] = (times[speakerName] or 0) + 1

        wait(60) -- reset how many times after a minute
        times[speakerName] = (times[speakerName] or 1) - 1

	return false -- dont delete the message

Was successful into achieving this, thanks to @Doqee as well!