Spamming Damage Remote Event? Server Lag?

I’m currently creating a zombie shooter game, but the problem is that I have minigun weapons that fire 15 - 10 times a second. I’m sending remote events to damage the zombies from the server (with safety checks), but I’m wondering if this would cause massive strain on the server’s end. If there are 10 - 15 players inside the game, what would be the best solution to fix this?

If your scripts are optimized enough, this shouldnt cause lag. If you ever are wondering how client scripts are performing, script performance in studio, server scripts in F9 console.

I have fired 2000 RPM with 1% usage on client, 0 on server, you have to really really spam remotes to cause lag.

It shouldn’t lag in general, it depends how you’re dealing with it.

Replacing a while loop with HeartBeat is also more effective (if you haven’t already.)