Spanish Keyboards and "~="

This is a problem I’ve had for a while now, and I thought it would be worth posting here in case someone else has the same issue.
I have a Spanish keyboard (es-ES). To get ~ I have to press alt+Ñ.

When I press that combination of keys, something weird happens with the cursor (almost as if I had pressed Insert, although it doesn’t behave the same way), as you can see in this gif:

I also have to click on the editor again to continue typing after inserting ~.

I’m not sure if this issue is present on other types of keyboards, or if it’s just a really inconvenient hotkey (I’ve never changed any).
I’d love to know what’s causing it, and if it can be fixed.

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Is this a problem with just Studio or this character in general?

It’s a problem I only have with Studio.

Not sure what I’m looking at (a “~” that’s not a “~” ?), but here’s a question: does it actually compile?

Of course it does. I noticed that in the gif I didn’t put a space there, but it does work.
I’m just showing what happens when I press alt+ñ to get ~.
It’s the same symbol, just a different way to get it on a non-English keyboard. (I believe for you it would be shift + `, and that wouldn’t cause the issue we’re seeing here.)