Sparkatic Studios {Projects}

Hi, It’s TheMangleWolf and I’d like to share with you want I’m currently working on and what I’d like to achieve in the future!

Main Project:

For my Main Project I am working on a GIANT commission of about 60-72 different models, can’t say for what game but it looks super interesting. I also plan to use this as a capstone project for high-school that a lot of people will be viewing and maybe even for a little showcase to impress some people so that maybe I can get into this super cool college I really want to attend.

This game was made as a showcase of skills and how they could improve over time. It was also previously used for people who wanted to see what they were buying as a commission service. Sparkatic Creations - Roblox


Side Project:

As a side project I’ve always really been into aliens and creepy kind of stuff so I thought that if I made a cool game with all these different playable creatures in it that it could maybe go somewhere once I have the time to work on it fully again. For now It will just be playable as a preview/ALPHA until I can find a team to help me with it when the time is right.

Navina Forest Is a side project made in my spare time and will be worked on every now and then. Gamepass door does not work yet. Vosriam [PREVIEW] - Roblox


Other Topics:

As of other topics, I am working hard in school and taking part in a bunch of media art courses. I have applied for an Art college in a game art and design course and waiting for my acceptance letter. My baby brother was born on Feb 4th and is slowly settling into his new home and finally I am getting all figured out financially which feels like a big accomplishment.


I’m wishing you good luck in achieving and finishing all those projects and commissions. We as developers put a lot of love and effort into our places and games, so why not share them with others and show what your imagination is? With games, you can express yourself, everyone’s imagination is unique, and that’s why we’re developers. We collaborate and create.

So far it looks pretty good. Keep up the good work.

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Both places are pretty amazing when it comes to the models you have made. It’s one of those types of fantasy creatures/Worlds that I personally find interest in. Its some impressive work and I hope to see more later on because it’s awesome! :smiley:

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