Hello there!
I needed help with something, in my game everyone keeps spawning on the place I don’t want them to spawn, I deleted every spawn re-added new spawns but they keep on spawning at the particular place/position, is there anyone who could help me on this? thank you!
is it 0,0,0? put your spawns to be neutral
The neutral button is checked.
Do you mean that you place a spawn but they spawn on top of a roof or something?
No even when I deleted every spawn it spawns the body on the same specific position i tried looking in scripts to see if there where teleport scripts but no
Could you send a video, screenshot, your game or something so we can understand what you mean?
Or maybe an uncopylocked version of your game?
So, do you fall through the floor? The footage is a bit laggy.
No, I spawn at the spawn but not even a second later it teleports me back the the specific location.
So do you have 2 spawns and it teleports you to the other?
no theres only one spawn at the inside but it teleports me like some studs further and places me there even when i don’t have spawns in game does it the same
So there’s probably a script that does that. Did you use any free models?
I only used one model from boatbomber hes security camera, I’m sure he didn’t add parts that we don’t want
Could you maybe send an uncopylocked version of your game?
Edit: maybe there could be a backdoor virus or a suspicious script.
is there a scripts i could run trough command bar to see output of spawns or something?
If you want, you could uncopylock your game and send the link.
mh, i know where is spawns me i used shiftlock to see at what specific wall
I’m just saying, we don’t know what the problem is if you don’t show any reference.