Spawn location config

Hey everyone. Ive been creating games on roblox studio for a long time but I still don’t know if I can make my Spawn Location a main spawn, so even when I have multiple spawns I can set a main one so everyone who joins the game spawns on that spawn I selected to be main one.

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From what I know, There is no way for a specific spawn location to be set as “main”. What most people do is have one single spawn location as the main spawn and make every other “spawn location” parts. Then when necessary, the game teleport the player’s character to these other parts. The other solution is to use teams, which is not the greatest idea as its annoying to maintain and it gets in the way of the chat

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Player instances have a property called ‘RespawnLocation’. You can set this to the spawn location you want them to spawn and respawn on.


Thanks. I will try it but do I have to make them with scripting? Or with something else

Nah. The only scripting needed is to move the character to the parts position.

okay but if the character die will it spawn on these parts or on the spawn location?

No, the character doesn’t automatically spawn back on the part, instead at the main spawn. You can create the illusion of it if the script you’re using to teleport the player’s character to the part is played as soon as the character is loaded. This will result in characters seemingly spawning at their correct spawn, however what’s really happening is that the character spawns at the default spawn and is immediately teleported to the set spawn location, which most likely will not be seen by the player and will just look like they spawned at the set spawn location