How would i make a script that spawns a random enemy?
local bosses = bossfolder:WaitForChild("Bosses"):GetChildren()
local randomnum = math.random(1, #bosses)
-- spawn random boss
How would i make a script that spawns a random enemy?
local bosses = bossfolder:WaitForChild("Bosses"):GetChildren()
local randomnum = math.random(1, #bosses)
-- spawn random boss
Assuming the bosses are models it should be pretty simple since you already got the random boss chosen as a number, Now we just need to find that model in the table and positioning it, then Parent it into the workspace.
local bosses = bossfolder:WaitForChild("Bosses"):GetChildren()
local randomnum = math.random(1, #bosses)
-- spawn random boss at predetermined position and orientation
local bossCloneChosen = bosses[randomnum]:Clone()
local spawnPositionAndOrientation =,0,0)
bossCloneChosen.Parent = workspace
Kinda off topic, just a heads up: The new-ish Random datatype is usually better than math.random
You can also do the boss choosing-thing as a one-liner like so:
local r = --Only do this once
local chosenBoss = bosses[r:NextInteger(#bosses)]:Clone()
Or split it into a reusable function:
local function chooseRandom(list)
return list[r:NextInteger(#list)]
local chosenBoss = chooseRandom(bosses):Clone()