Spawn with Block Avatar

Howdy! Is there away to make every player in the game spawn with a block style avatar but with their clothes and accessories still in it?

For example: A player bought the Robloxian 2.0 bundle and wears a ROBLOX Jacket is there a way to replace the Robloxian 2.0 bundle but keep the ROBLOX Jacket?

Rolboxian 2.0 replacement:

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have you tried using the Avatar on the game settings

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Hmmm, I don’t think so I will look into it.

Is this the one? and I cant find any link

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do you mean remove all packages? or just that specific one

Yes, you need to put id of a body part in it.

But I can’t find the ID

char limit

remove all, except for this one

Would humanoid description work?


local Players = game.Players

function PlayerJoined(Player)
 local function RemoveMeshes(Character)
  local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  local Desc= Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
  Desc.Head = 0
  Desc.Torso = 0
  Desc.LeftArm = 0
  Desc.RightArm = 0
  Desc.LeftLeg = 0
  Desc.RightLeg = 0


If this work please mark this as a Solution!


id is 0
(Character limit) (Character limit)

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I wrote one like this before and I don’t know where to put it, but now that you mentioned it. Thanks!

I can see that this already has a solution, but I would like to add an extra option for you that is probably also easier to do.

Go to the game settings in studio, go to avatar, and click r6. Now save and test it out!

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