Spawner spawns me on roof

I have a big hitbox taking up the entire spawn roof, this box is used for detecting some things that are important. Issue is that the player spawns ontop of the building because of it. Whats wierd is it never used to do this, it only started doing this after i just added a tag to it. Can anyone help? i cant move the spawn location or remove the part.

Can you add pictures so we know what it looks like or a video?

This is the room, the path thing with the light gray line is where the spawn is, this whole room has the invis hitbox.

Can we see the script for the hitbox on top of the spawn? Or is it a part

theres no script yet, its just the part

is it a spawn location??

maybe you locked it by accident, unlock it if it’s locked

if there’s no code, it has to be a spawn location

The true reason why Player spawn in the roof , because the spawnlocation was made to spawn above the thing is bothering his spawn point
So if you add a big rock and them position to the spawn , the player spawns above the rock ,because the spawn dont want the player stuck

Could you try turning CanCollide off for the roof so players do not spawn on top of it.

You could also try CFrame. When the character respawns or joins the game, you could say

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local spawn = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("spawn") -- change the name of the spawn to this
local offset =,3,0) -- you can change offset here

		local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		if humanoidRootPart then
			humanoidRootPart.CFrame = + offset)
			print("root part not found!")