Spawning A-chassis car to be a visible to only 1 person

Iv succeeded but in a way that isn’t right. i have a server script and client side script. the client side does the actually spawning and the server side is for the signal, this has been the only way to spawn visible to the person who spawned it that iv came to. iv tried doing from server side and client made it invisible but it didnt work. and the problem is when the car is sapwned, its like in studio preview, aka, you can see the lights arrow(epiclight) and the car just floats in air.

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You just need to spawn it from the server and set the network owner of the primary part to the player so it starts being simulated physically on the client. Theres no reason you spawn it on the client, make it on server and if you want to hide it from other players do it on their client.

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yeah, I’v done that before, i just dont know how to hide it from other players.

Everytime a car is spawned, fire a remote event to all players with the name of the player that spawned the car and also the car itself.

On the client connect to that remote, check if the player name is not the localplayer, if it isnt then hide the car (if you dont know how just loop through the models descendant, if its a basepart set LocalTransparencyModifier to 1) else just do nothing.

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